Volunteering Opportunities

Humans are social beings and we need each other to flourish as a society. Parisar Asha believes that until everyone in our society is actively involved in the process of change and development of the weaker section of society, it is hard to advance as humankind. One of the ways of development is education. However, we also know that not everyone can afford to educate their children because of their low-income capacity. As a society, we have to make sure that every child has the right to education and we must try our best to help them get educated.

In order to make this change happen, Parisar Asha invites you to come and be part of our volunteer program. Join our teaching programs that are specially curated for the educators to provide the right education to the children belonging to the marginalised section of our society. This way, you can help the children get the right education they deserve. Our joint effort at providing every child with the right education regardless of their societal background will help the children to be enlightened and become responsible individuals who will have a choice to live their life with dignity. Thus, we will be able to instigate the process of building a better society together.

At Parisar Asha, we truly believe that volunteers are the backbone of every organization – not only do they carry the organization’s ideals within them and help the organization in implementing them on the ground, but they also spread the message far and beyond, sensitizing the society towards the cause. Without the support of the volunteers who are willing to see a change in society through the right education, we will not be able to educate all the children and reform our society as a whole.

Help us build a better world for all.


Our Mission & Vision

Our mission to provide a joyful, holistic and child centric quality education through the environment,for the environment, that will empower children to be creative, sensitive & successful positive global citizens.

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