Around the age of 8(Grades 1 and 2), children naturally begin to adapt to a more descriptive style of learning, so in Grades 3,4,5, Parisar Asha’s teaching-learning processes transition to a more formal style of classroom learning and incorporation of textbook content, while still maintaining a strong play way, activity-based, and discovery-based approach, which is the basic mantra of Parisar Asha.

By the age of 10-11, as children begin to develop the capacity for abstraction, Parisar Asha emphasises a more engaging, holistic, experiential, and analysis-based form of experiential learning within each subject, and encourages integration between different subjects, incorporating the arts, making learning more comprehensive and relevant to life today, and still managing to impart a sense of values and responsibility, to create holistic and complete individuals, equipped with 21st century skills.

Our Mission & Vision

Our mission to provide a joyful, holistic and child centric quality education through the environment,for the environment, that will empower children to be creative, sensitive & successful positive global citizens.

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