I am proud to be a woman ! I think I can say this confidently and with pride because I was born in a decent, open minded family and also got married in a family who GAVE me my space , respect and freedom. Yes I am using the word ‘GAVE’ ! Even today in our society, a woman has to find somebody who gives her freedom! It is never assumed that freedom is a birthright of every individual, irrespective of gender, caste or community.
I was again fortunate to get opportunities to climb the ladder of success in a corporate and later in a social sector. Of course, I made sure I utilized all the opportunities in life to be productive for myself as well as for the society. I found myself once again lucky inspite of a major tragedy in my life. I could live my life with dignity, and respect also on my own terms and conditions even after my husband’s demise which is still not so acceptable in our Indian society.
But I am sure not every woman is lucky enough to say, ‘I am proud to be a woman’
There are families that still mourn when a girl child is born.
There are girls who are still killed in the mother’s womb.
There are girls who are still sold for few rupees.
There are girls who are still forced to become prostitutes.
There are girls who are still sexually abused by their own family members.
There are girls who are still raped and murdered randomly.
There are women who are still burnt for dowry.
There are women who are still forced to follow tradition of Sati after the husband’s death.
There are women who are still forced to live in isolation after the husband’s death.
There are women who are still disowned by their families for giving birth to a girl child.
There are women who are still treated like slaves in their own homes after marriage.
There are girls who are still deprived of basic education.
There are women who don’t have any say in their own homes.
There are women who continue staying in failed marriages, for the sake of society status.
There are women who are still treated like slaves in their own homes after marriage, in some cases even in their father’s home.
There are women who still feel they are homeless because either they are living in their father’s or husbands house.
…and the list goes on …
While celebrating women’s day, I think of all those unfortunate women who are going through hell without any fault of theirs. Whom to blame? Luck? Destiny? Stars? Past Karma?
No… it’s the ‘mindset’ of our society!
I think it’s high time to take action against this inequality, different rules for men and women.
We women are almost 50% of the total world’s population. If we start helping each other, I am sure we can make a difference. Let’s take charge of our lives , and also make an effort to bring a positive change in someone’s life who is not as fortunate as you. Charity begins at home. Educate your boys to respect women. Empower girls to take charge of their own life and see the change .
Let’s hope for a future where every woman can say ,‘ I am proud to be a woman’
Happy Women’s Day! Happy Women’s Week ! Let’s celebrate the joy of being a woman. Earn our own respect by respecting gender equality!
Let there be happiness, peace , love and harmony forever!

10 replies on “While We Celebrate Women’s Day…”
Nicely written….deep rooted thoughts
Only empowering women won’t help. As you said Men young boys have to be empowered to respect and support women in their struggle. Sensitization and equality of the sexes starts from the time a child is born.
Nicely written. You are doing great work. Happy women’s day to all women. Be strong Be healthy Be independent.
I have heard that everyone knows what their mission in life was/is… it could be that you were meant for marriage and motherhood … and that’s very good because you nurture the future of humanity… but very often besides the roles that we play we are deaf to that voice that says within us: you are much more… and we give in to our fears and complexes… today rise and shine some more… there is more light in you than you imagine!
Yes, some of us are fortunate that we were “given” the space and freedom to choose how we lead our lives.
Very well said. While we can lament about state of women in our midst, there are many like you Aarati who have what they wished for. I am very happy to be one such lucky woman. Born to educated and enlightened parents, I and my sisters (we were four) never felt we needed a brother. It was our parents who encouraged us to concentrate on studies rather than housework. We got all that we ever wanted. Fortunately each one of us were also able to pursue the kind of things we wished for in our lives later. But the seed of this ability to pursue and achieve was sown early in our lives. As a woman who is very happy and satisfied with the way my life shaped up, I am grateful to my parents for their belief in woman’s empowerment
Well said Aarati…I have experienced in many situations that we as women should come forward to make our stand very clear otherwise you are taken for granted…also most of the times it’s a Woman who suppresses another woman fearing the society …it’s high time that we support each other for a better home, workplace , and society as a whole….Happy Women’s day…
Well said.. .woman like you make us proud of being one !! Shine on and light the whole world around !!
Lovely. Well said. Hats off to you dear Aarti ma’am. Happy women’s day !!!